Parent and Family Education

Parent and family education is an essential component of our work at the Family Education Center. We offer consultation and training in:

Family meeting

Family meetings provide an opportunity for mutually supportive, encouraging and respectful dialogue that features equal participation among parents and children.  Effective family meetings are not gripe sessions, or meetings called only in times of trouble.  The results that can come from these regularly scheduled meetings can be truly amazing.  Families learn to resolve conflicts and solve problems in gentle and respectful ways, plan activities together, and simply have more fun together as a family.  At FEC, we teach families the philosophy and the process for using this powerful tool.

Effective parenting

Raising children is a challenge to even the most loving and well-intentioned parent. The joys and stresses of guiding our children can be put into perspective with effective parenting skills. These skills are learnable!  We can learn to make child-rearing task a positive, encouraging experience.

Stepfamily living

Parents and children face unique problems in blending different families together. The “Brady Bunch” myth lives on in our minds, and we can become very discouraged when our own blended families do not come close to that “standard.”  At FEC, we offer specific skills for families who are experiencing this challenging adventure.